December 1, 2008

Have faith like a child.
I never could see
what that would look like.
Today, the LORD showed me.
There in the car with Bob, Larry and Ben,
I turned on the music, he was quiet and then...

"Oh, how I love Jesus!"
He calls Him by name.
I've heard choirs sing it,
but it's not the same.

He's loud, he's certain
he's usually off key.
"Mama, can I sing it again?"
He keeps asking me.

Uninhibited, unashamed
he doesn't look for my smile.
He's content just to sit
and praise God for a while.

He sways with the music
and claps his small hands.
His feet start stomping
he is his own band.

I take joy in his gladness,
and join in his song.
Then I realize that I've had
faith like this all along.

The basis of faith
isn't that hard to grasp.
It's just understanding
my future and past.

I used to be lost
to myself and my sin.
Then God died for me
and soon rose again.

He took on my sin
and forgave my shame
the day that I knelt
and called on His name.

Some days I forget
what He did for me.
And I don't proclaim Truth
so willingly.

I don't shout His praise.
I don't dance for His sake.
All He does is give.
All I do is take.

By God's grace through faith
years ago He saved me.
What if my faith was as loud
as a child of three?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What a beautiful poem Em! Thanks for sharing.